Thank you for taking the time to read my new blog. As most people reading this are likely aware, I write another blog called People I Meet which is more about business and all the interesting people and possibilities that exist in the world. I decided to start the Radical Moderate blog because I felt that I had something to add that was missing in the public discourse. In saying so, I have demonstrated my megalomania and have now shown my credentials to be a political blogger.
I came up with the term "Radical Moderate" many years ago to describe my political beliefs. Many conservatives think I am a liberal, and many liberals think I am a conservative. This is the result of my habit of looking deeply at the philosophical underpinnings of political debates and finding that each side is about half right, thus making them entirely wrong. (Math is different in politics.)
The problem is that the public debate occurs in sound-bites. Positions have to be quick and catchy. "Drugs kill children", "Obamacare will bankrupt America", "Tax the rich", "A woman's right to choose." Quick, snappy, non-specific, and deceptive.
In this blog, I will look at contentious issues and explore the philosophical underpinnings. My goal is not to convince you to agree with me. Rather, I seek to help you to understand that those on the other side of the issue from you are not necessarily baby-eating, America-hating terrorists, but that they are people who, like you, love America, care about children, families, liberty, fairness, justice, and all the other things that we hold dear as Americans.
Posts will be inspired mostly by things I encounter in the media, but I am happy to discuss any topic which you would like to see a radical moderate treatment for, so do not hesitate to contact me with questions, comments, or objections to my commentary.
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